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Category: Who is Xine
That is exactly what a kidnapper would say. Part 4
I accomplish a goal, deflect compliments, survive a festival, and convince everyone I am not a kidnapper.
Wait, where is my lifeboat? Part 3
I’m home from Florida. I’ve survived a deserted island and the ferry ride from hell. Surely, it can’t get more exciting than that. Right? Right?!
My real life sample of Triangle of Sadness. Part 2
In a real life sample of Triangle of Sadness, my mother and I tackle Miami, ‘gaters, and a deserted island 120 miles off the Florida keys.
The Missing Weeks: Part 1
Part 1 of 6-7 weeks MIA. Why are those weeks filled with more guns, floridians, tattoos and also a publication. How was there time for all that?
I could Lie, say I like it.
No big revelations this week. In fact, I’m a little swamped with catching up after taking some impromptu chill out days. So just some banter and musings to share with you, my dear readers. In true me-fashion, I’ll sneak in some self-deprecating criticism in hopes that tomorrow I wake up a slightly different person. Let’s…
Crying in a greenhouse.
At the beginning of the year, I house-sat for a friend. I had grand plans to begin screenwriting class, and make progress on my novel. Finally, I’d have a house to myself and no one to interrupt me. What actually occurred was a sad sack of a body wallowing in a strange building. I was…
Still Green
I need a little greento my bananabefore the rush of sugartakes its holdand transformsthat green to goldand the summer sunfreckles the skinand softens the coreand there’s nothing to dobut turn itinto breadbut insteadgive it to me firm,young heartedand a little dumb.Naive,plucked too soon. Still green.As green as they come.
Gas station coffee
Confession: I am not a coffee snob. I think the first time I enjoyed coffee is a story you might enjoy. I snuck out of my window, on a weeknight in high school. I walked past my parents’ bedroom window, down the long gravel driveway, and hopped in a 1992 Ford Thunderbird Turbo. To quote…
I’ve been doing at least two things with my spare time. Firstly, I’ve been listening to Brian Reed’s “Shit Town.” I’m about half way through (I actually stopped and re-listened with my husband, so we could finish the series together.) I know I’m late to the party, but I refuse to listen to or read…